Child Safety Week | Latest News

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Child Safety Week

Child Safety Week is an annual campaign run by the Child Accident Prevention Trust, to raise awareness of the real risks of child safety, whilst maintaining the freedom for children to grow and learn safely. This year the week runs from the 6th to the 12th of June, with the theme Safety in Mind.

Safety in Mind

This year’s theme focuses on the lives of busy families with children, and the importance of having Safety in Mind when it really matters, under pressure.

It is important that we take safety in the home seriously, as accidents are one of the biggest killers of children in England and Wales, second only to cancer. As well as this, 80% of accidents to children under five happen in the home.

However, it is not just young children at risk. Accidents to children on the road peak at age 12, so child safety is important no matter the age of your children.

A variety of fact sheets are available on the CAPT website:

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