Hate Crime
Hate Crimes are any crimes perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice.
Hate Incidents feel like crimes and often escalate to crimes or tensions in a community.
Both are committed because of a person’s actual or perceived:
- Race: including ethnicity, nationality or national origin, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.
- Religion or belief: including no faith.
- Sexual Orientation: including Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual.
- Gender Identity: including transgender, non-binary and gender fluid.
- Disability: including learning, mental health, physical or sensory disability.
Hate crime can take many forms including:
- Threat of or actual assault.
- Verbal abuse.
- Inciting others to commit Hate Crime.
- Intimidating behaviour or harassment, including online.
- Damage to property, including arson.
- Offensive leaflets, posters or graffiti.
South Essex Homes are committed to tackling hate crimes/incidents across our communities, ensuring our customers feel safe in their homes. We recognise that hate crimes/incidents can have a significant impact on the lives of our customers and can have a disruptive effect on our communities.
We take hate crime/incidents seriously and are committed to supporting our customers to resolve the issues, taking proportionate action where necessary using tools available to us as a social landlord.
There are several ways to report Hate Crime
You can report a Hate Crime/Incident that you experience or witness to South Essex Homes 24 hours a day, using the telephone number or email address below:
- Freephone: 0800 833 163 (24 hour)
- Email: antisocialbehaviour@seh.southend.gov.uk
Report using our online form
Please complete this online reporting form to report a Hate Crime/Incident that you experience or witness.
Report ASB or a Hate Crime/IncidentIf it is an urgent incident currently in progress (where property is in the process of being damaged or if there is any immediate threat) then please call the police on 999.
When completing the form, please provide as much detail as possible in order for us to arrange the best response.
If you feel a crime has been committed (but is not happening at the moment), please also report it to police on 101 and make note of the incident number.
We help our customers report hate crime incidents and work closely with them to reduce the risk of harm. Anyone can report Hate Crime, regardless of whether they are the victim, witness, or are reporting on behalf of someone else.
For details of what you can expect if you report a hate crime/incident to South Essex Homes, please refer to our Anti-Social Behaviour & Hate Crime Service Standard: Anti Social Behaviour and Hate Crime/Incident Service Standard | South Essex Homes
Hate Incident Reporting Centres
Alternatively, you can choose to speak to a local Hate Crime Ambassador and report it at your local Hate Incident Reporting Centre (HIRC).
Hate Incident Reporting Centres are community venues offering confidential advice and support:
- Southend-on-Sea City Council – 01702 215000
- Estuary Housing – 0300 304 5000
- Mencap – 01702 341250
- Transpire – 01702 668060
- Peabody – 01702 445870
Details can be found at Hate crime | Essex Police
You can also:
- Speak to the police directly:
- In person at a police station
- By calling 999 for emergencies
- By calling 101 for non-urgent enquiries.
- Online – Report online to True Vision at www.report-it.org.uk
- Report anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 11
- Call Stop Hate UK on 0800 138 1625 (free 24-hour helpline) or 0808 801 0576 (for under 18s) or visit their website: www.stophateuk.org/. Stop Hate UK are a national Hate Crime charity that provide a free 24/7 Hate Crime reporting and information line to residents in Essex.
For information and support:
- Contact Victim Support, the national charity that provides free and independent practical and emotional support to victims of crime or traumatic incidents. Victims can access their services regardless of when the crime happened or if the police are involved:
- Call Essex Victim Support on 0808 178 1694 (open 8am-5pm, Mon-Fri).
- Call the national, 24/7 Support line on 0808 168 9111
- Visit their website at www.victimsupport.org.uk.
- For guidance on the Criminal Justice System visit: www.victimscommissioner.org.uk/victims-journey
Find out about Restorative Justice:
Restorative Justice or Mediation are when those harmed by a crime or conflict have contact with the person responsible to try and find a way forward. This is not an alternative to a court-imposed sentence.
Visit: www.restorativeessex.co.uk for information.