Pets and Animals

You must not keep any animals (including reptiles) at your home unless permission has been granted.

If we give our permission, you must ensure the following...

  • Your pet does not cause damage to your home and does not cause a noise or other nuisance. This includes smells, dog and cat mess.
  • If you have a dog or cat you must keep it under control.
  • If you take a dog in the shared areas, it must be on a lead and you must clean up any dog mess or cat mess.
  • If you have a dog and you have a private garden you must make sure the garden is enclosed so your dog cannot escape.
  • You must not allow your dog to enter any children’s play area or other dog-free zone.  Cat and dog
  • You must not keep more than two dogs or two cats in your home at any one time.
  • You (and anyone living with you) must not keep (or allow your visitors to bring onto the estate) any breed of dog named as dangerous in Section 1 of the Dangerous Dog Act 1991, or any other breed which we do not allow.  

If you live in a sheltered housing scheme you will only be allowed to keep certain pets at your home. Please check the pet policy or speak to your Tenancy Services Officer. Only guide dogs for the hearing or visually impaired are allowed into the shared lounges.  

We may ban you (and anyone living with you) from keeping any animal in your homes if we have concerns that it would cause a danger or nuisance. 

Residents must not keep animals in their property without prior written permission from their landlord.  

Request permission to keep a pet

Once we have received your application we will notify you in writing of our decision.

You can download our Pet Policy here: Management of Pets Policy.pdf[pdf] 104KB

Please speak to your Tenancy Services Officer if you have any queries - find your tenancy officer here: Tenancy Services Officers