Governance and Board

We are governed by a Board, who have overall responsibility for South Essex Homes. 

Please follow the link to meet our Board Members.


Future Board Meeting Dates

Meetings of the South Essex Homes Board will alternate between being held in person and remotely via Microsoft Teams.

The next South Essex Homes Board meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 at 3.00pm.  This will be an in person meeting at the Civic Centre in Committee Room 3.

The pack for this meeting will be available to download here 5 working days before the meeting.

When reading Board paperwork, the Glossary of Acronyms in Board Reports.pdf [pdf] 155KB may also be useful for reference. 


Resident's Voice your View

Each Board meeting provides an opportunity for residents to voice their view. If a resident has a question that they would like South Essex Homes to respond to, they should email either Daniel Lyons, Director (Finance & Corporate Services) or Carol Cooper, Executive & Governance Manager, at or at least 15 working days prior to the date of the Board meeting.  Alternatively write to either of the above named at South Essex Homes, Civic Centre, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 6FY.

Your question and the response from South Essex Homes will then be shared at the Board meeting. 

Any issues raised in this way will also be published on this website.  You can find details of Residents' Voice your View submissions from the last 3 years below along with the response:

Question from Resident - October 2024


Do South Essex Homes Board members have regular appraisal?
Are their allowances and expenses made public?


All South Essex Homes’ Board members undertake annual appraisals.
The total remuneration for Board members can be found in the Annual Accounts.

Question from Resident - July 2024


“I will be most grateful if the Board would be kind enough to consider the issue I am raising despite the fact that I had asked about it before.

There is a need for the regular hub sessions that used to be held monthly at Shoeburyness Public Library by Tenancy Officers for residents to seek advice and information.

Shoebury is a deprived area of the City and some of its residents will welcome face to face sessions with Tenancy Officers”.



Officers from the Housing Services Team were delivering a weekly drop-in session at the Shoebury Hub until a few months ago. These sessions were intended to provide another forum for residents to speak to a member of our team with about SEH services.

Unfortunately, they were not very well attended and there were some instances where no residents attended at all. We have found this to also be the case in other locations where we established drop-in sessions/surgeries across the city. As such it was difficult to justify the considerable staff resource that was needed to facilitate these sessions. However, we will review the opportunities to engage with residents potentially in alternative locations and/or using different methods of communication as part of a planned consultation (a ‘Big Conversation’) later this year.

Question from Resident - October 2023


I would be most grateful if you could kindly clarify for me the nature of the relationship between South Essex Homes and Southend Tenants and Residents Federation and how that compares with the other 21 ALMOs and their residents’ relationships. 

Is South Essex Homes currently an active member of Tenant Participation Advisory Service? 



South Essex Homes has worked in partnership with the Southend Tenants and Residents Federation since the group’s inception.  The Federation was formed originally as an umbrella group representing all of the Residents Associations, Block and Street Voices and Focus Groups made up of residents living in Southend Council’s homes and communities.  SEH has engaged with the Federation as an important forum for consulting with residents over the years, considering matters such as changes to policies but also as a conduit for communication where the Federations wished to raise issues that were affecting residents city-wide.  SEH is aware that there are currently vacancies in the Committee of the Federation and is working with former members to develop new groups and create interest from other residents living in our neighbourhoods.

SEH wrote to the National Federation of ALMOs regarding other ALMOs relationships with residents but there was no information available.

SEH are not currently members of TPAS however this can be reviewed if residents have identified benefits for renewing SEH’ membership.

Question from Resident - March 2023


South Essex Homes Board meetings give insight to the quality of the exchanges
of the debate among the board members that residents appreciate very much
when attending these meetings.  

I always make a point of attending these sessions.  

Recently I have been very pleased when these sessions were held using Microsoft Teams.  

Having attended these meetings in person and on line, I have found that I got much more appreciation of them when they were on line. 

Could we, please, have them on Microsoft Teams.  

There would likely be more residents attending on line. 

Thank you 



Thank you for providing your preference on whether South Essex Homes’ Board meetings are held in-person or via MS Teams.  Having reviewed the public attendance of the last three South Essex Homes’ Board meetings, two of which were held via MS Teams, and one held in-person, public attendance at the in-person meeting was greater than the two meetings held via MS Teams.  Given this information, the South Essex Homes’ Board will continue to hold Board meetings alternately between in-person and MS Teams for the foreseeable future.

Question from Yantlet resident - July 2022


To the Board:

As Chairman of Yantlet Residents’ Group I have the following questions.

Why has the standards of services for which Residents pay for all but disappeared for these flats:

1. Caretaker Services have become non-existent for about 12 months now they slowly disappeared leaving walkways dirty and soiled the lift has had to be cleaned by residents and dirt is piling up in the door shuts.

The bin shoots have not been cleaned and disinfectant ever to residents and as a result we are experiencing a fly infestation, overflows on each landing are dirty and blocked never been cleaned.

2. Recently Yantlet had a complete window refit, but it left residents from the 2nd floor up with no way of cleaning the outside of them. When the estates manger was informed he visited the flats.  I asked him about my windows on the 5th floor (the roof) he came in to show me how to turn them (he couldn’t) he sent a window company to show me he took one look at the windows and said you can't with these windows ,so it begs the question have you paid for the wrong windows.

3. Water rates seemed a little high and some residents asked the water company for meters only to find out that they are paying double the rate they would be on a meter. Several Residents have spoken to the Water board regarding a water meter and have been advised they are paying almost double to SEH than they should be why?

Thank you in advance



Standard of Services: Caretaker Services

The Estate Services Team Leaders attended Yantlet to assess the cleanliness of the building internally and externally. Whilst on site they completed a walk of the block and grounds with the Chairman of the Yantlet Residents’ Association. The cleanliness of the building, repairs, and tenancy-related issues was discussed with the Chairman at this time. 

The Estate Services Team Leaders have since arranged for the building to receive a deep clean, including machine cleaning the landings, and clearing surface debris from the drains, the Caretaking team commenced the deep clean on Tuesday 12th July, the lifts and treads have been cleared of debris, cleaned and sanitised. The stairwell has been swept, ledges dusted, and de-cobwebbed, and the bin room and bin area have been cleaned and sanitised to bring the block to the agreed B standard as agreed with residents more widely.

Our waste management contractor Veolia has replaced the damaged food waste bin which is now on site. The Caretaking team will be continuing the deep clean to ensure Yantlet is maintained to an acceptable B level in line with our Caretaking and Cleaning standards, the Estate Services Team Leaders will continue to complete regular site visits to inspect the quality of the service provided.

Lauren Anderson has liaised with the Repairs Team to raise the necessary repairs and informed the Tenancy and Support Services Team Leaders of the tenancy-related issues that were discussed, so the appropriate action can be taken.


Windows at Yantlet

The replacement window scheme, undertaken in 2019/20, used the configuration of the original windows and were undertaken using the FENSA approval scheme.

We were made aware of a new resident on the top floor having issues with cleaning a fixed pane on their window and was accessing the roof area (potentially) to undertake cleaning. From a safety perspective this was not satisfactory and Yantlet has now been added to the window cleaning contract, including the windows affected.

In hindsight it is felt that a little more emphasis at design stage could have been had prior to replacement. Notwithstanding, having professional cleaners engaged to reduce risks to our residents is the most practical solution.


Water Charges

If the water company deems that a meter can’t be fitted (as has happened in our Part 2 Sheltered Schemes) then the tenant can apply to the water company for an assessed charge instead. The water company will then assess the charge that the resident should pay based on their assumed usage.   The tenant will stop paying water rates to SEH and will pay directly to the water company if they have a water meter fitted or move to an assessed charge.

A tenant does not need to contact SEH if they wish to change to paying for their water directly.  The need to speak to the Essex & Suffolk Water who will facilitate the request.  If the tenant lives in a block it is unlikely a meter will be fitted but the tenant would instead be offered an assessed charge.

The SEH charge is possibly higher as the SEH charge is based on rateable value. This is the charge all households pay that are not either on a water meter or on an assessed charge.

It may also be helpful to note that it may be advantageous to residents paying their water rates as a part of their rent, as it means they can spread the cost on a weekly basis whereas they cannot do that through any direct payment method to the utility company. It is for that reason the Council has continued to include the water rate element within the overall rent.