
downsizing to a smaller property Are you spending money on heating a large house you don’t need and/or struggling to maintain the house and garden? Would you like to move to a smaller home?

South Essex Homes wants to help Council tenants living in larger properties to move to more suitably sized homes, which in turn will help families who need larger accommodation.

In order to do this, South Essex Homes is offering a financial incentive to move. Any Southend-on-Sea City Council tenant who wants to move to a property with fewer bedrooms is eligible to apply.

The Tenant Incentive Scheme (TIS) is here to help Southend-on-Sea City Council tenants who are thinking about downsizing to a more suitable home. For every bedroom you give up, you'll receive £500, up to a total of £1500 (this will be subject to funds available), and there are even extra benefits if you're moving into a hard-to-let property. You will be awarded a high priority ‘A band’ on the housing register if you move to a smaller property because you no longer need as many bedrooms for your household size. You will also be given priority for any new-build homes that become available. Plus, we’re here to provide practical assistance every step of the way—from finding your new home to settling in. Please note, any outstanding debts may be deducted from the incentive grant, but we’ll work with you to make the process as smooth as possible.

How do I apply?

You need to apply for a transfer, which can be done by creating a Homeseekers Application via the login/My Account tab on the Council’s ‘On the Move’ website. Your application will be assessed and you will be placed on a waiting list in accordance with your assessment priority.

You can contact South Essex Homes for a Tenancy Incentive Scheme Application form. Only after you have been made an offer of accommodation will your request for a Tenancy Incentive grant be processed. This will be subject to funds available.

If you need assistance with making a housing application or completing the Tenant Incentive Scheme application form, please contact your Housing Support Officer on 0800 833160.

Case Study: Supporting a Resident to Downsize


In December 2022, one of our residents (Ms. A) sought assistance with downsizing from a four-bedroom house to a smaller, more manageable home. Ms. A had lived in her property since 1998, raising her children there. However, with her children having moved out, she found maintaining the large house increasingly difficult due to health concerns and the upkeep of the garden. The Housing Support Officer (HSO) covering her patch was able to support her throughout the transition process.

The Challenge

Ms. A faced several challenges in her home:

  • Difficulty maintaining the property due to health issues.
  • Increasing financial strain from high heating and maintenance costs.
  • Social isolation, as she rarely left the house and had limited interactions with others.

The Solution

With her HSO’s assistance, Ms. A submitted a housing application in December 2022. By April 2023, she successfully moved into a sheltered housing scheme, which better suited her needs.

Outcomes & Impact

The HSO recently followed up with Ms. A, who expressed her satisfaction with the move. She described it as "the best thing she's done." The key benefits she highlighted included:

  • Improved Safety & Well-being: Ms. A feels much safer in her new accommodation, which provides additional support and a sense of security.
  • Enhanced Social Connections: She now lives in a close-knit community where residents look out for one another. This has significantly reduced her feelings of isolation.
  • Financial Relief: Downsizing has significantly reduced her living costs, especially heating expenses, making her financially better off.
  • Recognition & Incentive: By giving up three bedrooms, Ms. A qualified for the "clean and tidy award," receiving £1,690.77 after deductions—a sum she was very pleased with.


Ms. A’s case highlights the positive impact of tailored support in helping residents downsize. The move not only alleviated financial and physical burdens but also greatly improved her overall quality of life. This case underscores the importance of accessible housing options and community-focused living arrangements for those in similar circumstances. Additionally, due to Ms. A downsizing, her larger home became available for a family on the housing waiting list, providing much-needed accommodation for those in need.