It's Earth Day! | Latest News

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It's Earth Day!

Today marks this year’s Earth Day, a day to think about how we can better invest in our planet.

One way to do this as a consumer is to educate yourself about sustainable options on the market, such as shampoo or clothing, to sway the market away from less sustainable options. Of course, this isn’t going to save the planet alone, but it is important that we are doing the best we can. You should aim to shop consciously, asking yourself these four questions before you make a purchase:

  • Do I need this?
  • Can I borrow this?
  • Can I make this?
  • Is this the best quality I can afford?

We can also invest in our planet as a community. We can do this through participating in local clean ups such as beach cleans, by planting more trees, or even simply by supporting local businesses and buying local produce. All you need to do is try your best to be a green member of your community.

Here are 10 other ways to invest in the planet:

  1. Pick up rubbish on your run
  2. Advocate for climate education
  3. Turn off light switches when they are not in use
  4. Use a reusable water bottle
  5. Use reusable shopping bags
  6. Use environmentally friendly cleaning products
  7. Go pesticide free
  8. Meal prep
  9. Switch to online bills
  10. Compost

How many of them are you already doing?

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