Hostel Halloween fun! | Latest News

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Hostel Halloween fun!

Support Services Officers Sophie, Katie and Hannah created a pumpkin patch in one of the hostel gardens in Southchurch Road for a Halloween fun event this week.

This was for the homeless children and parents to experience a pumpkin patch without the high costs.  All children were able to pick one pumpkin to decorate at the table or take home and carve.

They had games, crafts, sweets, toffee apples and hot dogs.  Lots of children turned out from across the hostels and it was a really successful day.

Sophie said: “We wanted to thank Jamie and Ian from the bulk refuse team for helping provide us with a wheel barrow and a wooden pallet. We also wanted to thank Hollie Pocket Events for donating some lovely Halloween balloons.

“It was a great day all round.”

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