Time to Talk Day | Latest News

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Time to Talk Day


Time to Talk Day is run by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness in England, in partnership with Co-op. The campaign runs UK wide.

This day is all about creating supportive communities by having conversations with family, friends, or colleagues about mental health. We all have mental health, by talking about it we can support ourselves and others.

Here are some top talking tips:

  1. Ask questions and listen – Open and non-judgemental questions will help you to understand someone’s experience better and will give them space to express their feelings.
  2. Think about time and place – Sometimes talking face to face can be hard, it might be a good idea to chat whilst doing something else such as cooking or a puzzle, this also takes the pressure off the conversation.
  3. Don’t be a fixer – Take a step back and try not to offer solutions no matter how much you want to help, unless advice has been asked for, talking alone is often enough to help.
  4. Treat them the same – Support them by treating them the same way you did before this conversation; they have not become a different person.
  5. Be patient – People will not always want to open up, trying to start the conversation can sometimes be enough just to let them know that you are there to listen when they are ready.
  6. Keep supporting – After the conversation keep them in your mind, offer help with difficult tasks, send texts to check in on them, and try to keep them involved in your community.

Conversations about mental health have the power to change lives. Talking about mental health reduces stigma, helping to create supportive communities where we can talk openly about mental health and feel empowered to seek help when we need it.


Support Groups


Peer Support Message Boards

  • The Mix provides support and information for under 25s
  • Side By Side is a community platform by Mind
  • Togetherall is an online support community that you may be referred to
  • Somewhere to Turn is a South East and Central Essex Mind support group on Facebook



  • Childline provides 24 hour support and advice for children and young people – call 0800 11 11
  • HopeLineUK – call 0800 068 4141 if you are having suicidal thoughts
  • Samaritans hosts a range of support services and a 24 hour helpline – call 116 123
  • Anxiety UK provides a range of support services to help control anxiety – Text 07537 416 905
  • Friends for Lives offers free phone support for individuals who are in emotional pain and may be having thoughts of suicide - Call 0333 011 5 121


In House Counselling Service

  • South Essex Homes has a free and confidential in-house counselling service that we offer to all of our residents. The sessions can be carried out over zoom, telephone, and face to face, the counsellors will facilitate this with you. We are also able to offer group sessions for those who are struggling with anxiety and depression. 
  • If you would like to be referred to the service, please contact your support services or tenancy officer who will complete the referral form with you.


There is FREE suicide prevention training from #TalkSuicideEssex if you know someone struggling with their mental health or would like to be able to support someone vulnerable. 

Call 999 if you have seriously harmed yourself or may be about to

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