Euros 2024

The Euros should be a source of entertainment and joy for us all – the chance to unite in support of our national team, whether you’re a football lover or just enjoy the excitement that a big tournament like this brings.
Sadly, for countless women and children up and down the country we know this is not the case. In fact it’s quite the opposite – they feel alone and fearful.
For women and children experiencing domestic abuse tournaments like these can put them at even greater risk.
Although football doesn’t cause domestic abuse, where it is already present, big games like this can make existing abuse more frequent and severe. The excitement, stress, and alcohol consumption associated with watching football matches can exacerbate underlying issues, leading to a spike in violence at home.
Women’s Aid have a dedicated page on this topic: Euros 2024 - Women’s Aid ( which features their campaign video ‘He’s coming home’.
With 1 in 4 women subjected to domestic abuse in their lifetime and at least one woman a week killed by their abuser, there is so much more to lose than just a football game.
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, we have a dedicated webpage with information on how we can support you, including links to specialised support resources: Domestic Abuse | South Essex Homes
Essex Police have a freephone number for victims of domestic violence: 0800 358 0351. This is an alternative to the non-emergency number 101. Always call 999 in an emergency.
Alternatively, the Essex domestic abuse helpline (COMPASS) can be reached on 0330 333 7 444.