Fire at Stephen McAdden House

At around 04.35 this morning (Friday 7th June), South Essex Homes was alerted to a fire at Stephen McAdden House, a sheltered housing scheme in Burr Hill Chase, Southend.
Within half an hour, members of our staff attended the site to find that Essex County Fire & Rescue Service were in attendance and were tackling a fire within a second floor flat. Police and ambulance were also at the scene. The fire service evacuated other flats on the second floor while they tackled the blaze.
A spokesperson for South Essex Homes, said: “The fire safety systems we have in place at the scheme worked very effectively and contained the fire within one flat. Some smoke escaped into the communal hallway when the fire service opened the door to tackle the fire, and other second floor residents were asked to leave their flats while the fire service did their job.
“Our people were on site very soon after we were advised about the fire and members of our team looked after the evacuated residents within the communal lounge in the block, supporting them according to their individual needs and offering them breakfast. Once it was safe to do so, our Caretaking team started to clean up the communal areas affected by the smoke and our Surveyors attended to assess the extensive damage to the flat itself.
“Our thoughts are with the two residents who we understand were taken to hospital for check-ups and to assess the effects of smoke inhalation.
“South Essex Homes’ staff will continue to support and offer reassurance to residents.”