International Women's Day

Every year, on the 8th of March, we celebrate International Women’s Day. An annual day to celebrate the achievements of women and to raise awareness about women’s equality worldwide. This year, the theme is #EmbraceEquity.
A focus on gender equity is extremely important in society, equal opportunities are simply not enough as equality does not mean equity. It is necessary to highlight the differences between equality and equity this International Women’s Day.
Equality means giving everyone the same resources and opportunities regardless of their differences and struggles in life. For example, giving everyone a box to stand on to get a better view at a concert will make the really tall people taller, but will leave wheelchair users in the same position as they started in as they cannot stand on the box.
Equity would mean that the really tall people can stay as they are because they already have a great view, shorter people are given a box to stand on, and wheelchair users are provided with a ramp to get onto their box. Equity is the recognition that each person has different circumstances and allocates each person the resources and opportunities to have an equal outcome.
Find out more here and #EmbraceEquity: IWD: Equality versus Equity: What's the difference as we #EmbraceEquity for IWD 2023 and beyond? (