Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey | Latest News

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Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey

South Essex Homes ha s commissioned Acuity, a market research company who specialise in the social housing sector, to carry out a series of telephone surveys with ou r tenants.   

The survey is a general satisfaction survey ( perception survey) asking tenants what they think about their home and the housing services provided by the Council and South Essex Homes  

The questions are based on the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing from April last year.   

Who are Acuity?  

Acuity Research & Practice (Acuity) provide tenant satisfaction surveys and benchmarking services, helping housing providers to improve services and engage with their tenants through an understanding of satisfaction, performance and profiling data. They have been providing consultancy services to the social housing sector for over 26 years.   

Who will be contacted?  

Acuity will be contacting a sample of our tenants in October 2024 by telephone , inviting them to take part in the survey, which should take approximately 8 to 10 minutes to complete.   

What number to look out for?  

If you receive a call from Acuity , the number displayed will be 01702 964023 .  

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